We want to hear your thoughts.
What is it that you love about playing cricket? And what do you love about playing cricket for NHCC?
Make a 1 min (maximum) video of yourself; state your name and age and tell us why you love cricket and love playing for NHCC.
Once completed please email or text your 1 minute video to Emily, NHCC Junior Coordinator – on emilyleaman76@gmail.com or 0422 896 622.
The competition is open to all NHCC affiliated Junior players 15 years of age or younger.
Our A Grade team will pick the recipients!
To be eligible for the scholarship your video must be received by Saturday 20th March.
For further information please visit NHCC Facebook, website or by calling Junior Coordinator Emily on 0422 869 622
NHCC SCHOLARSHIP PACKAGE consists of 1 x NHCC branded helmet and drink bottle and 50% discount on 2021/22 NHCC registration.
* a total of 5 Scholarships are available.
* all entries will receive a prize.