With football done and dusted, focus now shifts to the cricket field, with the North Huon Cricket Club well underway with preparations for the coming season.
Senior training continues Friday evenings from 6pm at the Huonville PCYC, and Monday evenings from 6pm at the Kingborough Indoor Centre.
With most of last years playing group having been through, and with a few new faces added into the group, the Club will be looking to build on its success in A2 last year.
Saturday, September 22 sees some activity at the Ranelagh Clubrooms, with a girls/womens come and try session being held from 10am. We are looking at entering both an underage (Under 14/15) side, and an open womens side, into the relevant competitions if numbers allow. The rosters will be shorted than a normal full roster, so if you are interested come along and register your interest. We have had quite a bit of interest in the Underage side, so it is likely we will be able to get this up and running.
Following the womens session, the Juniors have their registration day from 12 noon, with the club putting on a BBQ. Tis is for all juniors from Juniors Blasters (milo cricket) up to Under 15s.
There are a couple of changes a couple of the junior formats, so again, come along and register your interest, so the club can determine the best mix of sides. One thing we are looking at doing is entering an intermediate age group between Master Blasters and Under 13s, to allow that age group (8-11) to transition. However, this will be determined by interest.
After that, the seniors hit full stride with training Tuesdays at Glen Huon from 6pm commencing October 2, and at Ranelagh from 6pm commencing October 4, with the season kicking off October 13.